I joined my friends Steven Meurrens and Deanna Okun-Nachoff late August to discuss the spousal/common-law partner sponsorship process and some of the challenges including the interview and dealing with refusals based on genuineness/intent. A lot is at stake in such applications/appeals and it is important for those attempting to navigate it to understand the pitfalls and hurdles that are at play. I hope that the discussion is of assistance to other counsel, those that are intending to go down this road and those that are on it. Steve Meurrens: We are joined again by Raj Sharma, who's been on the podcast several times, both to discuss marriage fraud, which is going to be a topic that we pick up again today. It was actually, I think episode three, many, many years ago that Raj was on. Raj Sharma: We are so young, Steve. Steve: We were so young. We had Peter still not as a judge. Deanna Okun-Nachoff: What about me, was I not young then? Steve: We recorded in our office. Raj Sharma: You're always young. Deanna. Steve: And then we add a series of episodes about the same person whose agency was refused, it went to fed court,... Read more →