... Transcript ... Judy Aldous: What do you make of this idea of capping of international students? Raj Sharma KC: It seems quite odd to see Marc Miller indicate any concern when these are the policies that have been in place for many, many years. We've seen a dramatic increase in the number of international students. International students contribute $20 billion to this economy. On the same side, we have provincial governments like Ontario and Alberta, they've dramatically decreased the funding to post-secondary institutions. That funding is now being made up by these international students. And so you watch, let's see, let's see what happens when you do this cap on international students and you'll see Queen's University has a $48 million shortfall in part due to a decrease in the number of international students there. Saima Jamal: We're not putting them up for success then, because they're already coming with a lot of financial stress. There's this myth that international students are very rich people. They're kids are very rich parents, but when you come here, you just come with the tuition. Most of them work really hard. A lot of them in Calgary, they go to the Gurdwara... Read more →