Stewart Sharma Harsanyi Immigration Lawyers · 2024 05 27 Interview On RedFM Discussing Amnesty During my recent interview with Rishi Nagar, news director of RedFM, on May 27, 2024, conducted in Punjabi, we discussed the Trudeau government's movement towards an amnesty to undocumented individuals in Canada. Their are arguments for and against the amnesty or regularization of those without status. This is a controversial proposal and there are of course both positives and negatives to such a a policy. On the positive side: $$ ... Regularization could result in significant positive economic impact. Many undocumented immigrants work in sectors experiencing labor shortages, such as agriculture and construction. Further, legalization would likely increase tax revenues as the undocumented shift from informal to formal employment. An amnesty would be in line with Canada's humanitarian tradition. Regularization ensures access to essential human rights, including healthcare and education, and offers protection against exploitation. Many undocumented immigrants have strong family ties here and regularization will help prevent family separation (under the table to a notice of assessment. On the negative side: Such a policy could incentivize non-compliance and regularization might be seen as unfair to those who have followed legal immigration procedures. The government was... Read more →