Natasha Fatah Raj Sharma, who's joining us from Calgary, he is the founder and managing partner of Stewart Sharma Harsanyi, one of Canada's largest dedicated immigration law firms. Raj, thanks so much for making time for us. Raj Sharma KC: Thanks for having me. Natasha Fatah: Raj, I know you follow what's happening in the world of immigration in Canada and many of these geopolitical stories closely. What's your reaction to what we just heard from Ehsan coming out of New Delhi? Raj Sharma KC: Natasha, the initial reaction is that the allegations, if they're true, would be truly staggering. The allegations involve hundreds of these private DLI -designated learning institutions, these colleges that sort of cater to the international student market, shall we say. So the Indian media reports are indicating over 250 of these DLI we're working with two as yet unnamed Indian entities. They're paying between 50 and 60 lakhs per person. Again, according to your reporter, that's a significant amount of money, let's say $60,000. And if it's true, if the allegations are true, it would reveal shocking gaps in our integrity protocols. And we know already that last January, not so long ago, Mr. Miller... Read more →