The author is a 15-year veteran immigration lawyer and has encountered many exploited and abused temporary foreign workers. These workers are often exploited or abused by their own community and face a difficult choice of reporting the abuse or exploitation and risking removal or deportation, or continuing in their untenable situation for the hope of working or staying permanently. The author discusses the options available for these workers, such as a humanitarian and compassionate application, a Temporary Resident Permit, or an open work permit. The author is glad that there are more options for these workers and looks forward to seeing immigration officers implement these protections. In my 15 years practising immigration law, I have encountered many exploited and abused temporary foreign workers (usually low-skill/low-wage). They are often exploited or abused by members of their own community -sometimes even by their own family. This abuse/exploitation takes on many forms. For years, foreign workers were caught in a dilemma. Report the exploitation/abuse and risk removal/deportation from Canada or continue in an untenable situation for hope of working (even at their pitiable wages) or staying permanently. Options for Exploited/Abused Temporary Foreign Workers Some sought relief via a humanitarian and compassionate application (the... Read more →