I'm pleased to say that my office has already completed and submitted our first AINP Family Stream application (the program was announced late last week). There is considerable interest and we are fielding calls on this topic daily. The submission detailed the requirements of: Connection Sponsor Eligibility Sponsor Support Candidate Age Candidate Education/Training/Work Experience Adaptability In addition, we provided the forms, including the Sponsorship Affidavit of Support, the Application for Nomination and the required immigration forms. This is an exceedingly generous program, and I reiterate my statement that the Federal immigration system is broken - arranged employment and the provincial nominee programs are the only feasible alternative. The reason we could forward the application quickly was that both sponsor and candidate met the requirements perfectly. It's hard to fit a square peg into a round hole, and luckily the candidate had an IELTS score, work experience, proof of relationship etc. ready to go. It also helps if the candidate is internet/computer savvy and can get the information to you via email. Unfortunately, I believe the cap on this program is quite small, and feel that it will be filled within a matter of months. Nevertheless, Alberta's government is to be... Read more →